True Cloud Platform

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At WebDog Web Hosting, we are proud of utilizing an actual shared hosting platform – every single service is handled by an autonomous physical server, which means that your websites will always load quickly even if the system is under stress. This cloud hosting platform was developed entirely by us with scalability and balance in mind, and is backed up by a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Your website content could be restored at any moment

Not a single site is shielded against hacker assaults. Your site may be affected even by accidental web site content deletion on your part. With our data back–up copy solution, we can easily restore your website content whenever you want. Apart from the regular server backups that we’re creating, you can yourself make manual backups of all your site content with a simple click through the File Manager, which is available in your Site Control Panel. Simply generate an archive of the directory(ies) you want to manually back up and put it in a location of your preference.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

Control your web sites with a click of the mouse

It is now so much easier to take total control of all your sites with the avant–garde Site Control Panel that we have created for you with ease of use in mind. Adminsiter all your website files with smooth drag ’n’ drop actions, register, transfer and control multiple domain names from one single place, set up e–mail boxes right away, run electronic mailing list campaigns easily, create and access your own databases with one click, monitor web site statistics in real time, and so on. Innovative tools such as a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection tool are accessible as well.

Web Hosting Control Panel

NVMe Drives

NVMe–disk–based cloud web hosting servers

All our shared hosting servers are fitted out with NVMe disks instead of ordinary hard disk drives. NVMe drives offer much faster read and write speeds, which goes to say that your websites will load significantly quicker. Absolutely no further website modifications are needed.

By result of the outstanding web connectivity possibilities offered by each of our cloud web hosting Data Centers, your site will begin working faster once you turn to us.

NVMe Drives